1st phase of Nottingham City records now available on Deceased
- Over 400,000 unique burial
and cremation records for Nottingham City Council are now available
on www.deceasedonline.com.
- This is the first phase of
this new collection with a second phase due on the website within the
next few months. See full details here.
- The new collection comprises:
- digital
scans of original burial and cremation registers
- details
of all grave occupants in each cemetery
- maps
indicating the section in each cemetery for all graves
- maps
indicating ashes scattering locations in the crematorium
- Nottingham is one of England's
largest cities, strongly linked with textiles during the industrial
revolution of the 18th and 19th century. Later commerce and industry
featured such famous names as Boots the Chemist and The
Raleigh Bicycle Company.
left: many of the Nottingham registers in the first phase, such as this
from 1903 for Bulwell are of excellent quality with a wide range of fields
providing useful information.
Coming soon.....records for a county in
South Wales and another Midlands City
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