The first stage of an ambitious project to
digitize newspapers from across Saskatchewan from 1878 through to the mid 1960s
is now online. Available at the moment are newspapers published during the
first part of the Great War period, most for 1914 and 1915.
You can browse page images, they are ordered alphabetically by month and date.
You can also search by keywords within the newspaper name and within article
headlines, as well as by the community associated with the newspaper. They hope
to add a search functions to include the full text of the newspapers (which is
reliant on the Optical Character Recognition), as well as to implement a
controlled vocabulary of subject headings in the indefinite future.
Newspapers and years available are: Alameda Dispatch - 1914, 1915; Carlyle
Herald - 1914; Cupar Herald - 1914, 1915; Elrose Review - 1915; Svoboda (
Jersey City, NJ) - 1914; Lloydminster Times and District News - 1914;
Lloydminster Review - 1914; (Melfort) Journal - 1915; Melfort Moon - 1914,
1915; Milestone Mail - 1914, 1915; (Moosomin) World-Spectator -
1914, 1915; St. Peter's Bote (Munster) - 1914, 1915; Nokomis Times - 1915;
Rosetown Eagle - 1914, 1915; (Saskatoon) Saturday Press - 1914, 1915;
(Saskatoon) Whip - 1915; Strassburg Mountaineer - 1914, 1915; Viscount Sun -
1914, 1915; Wadena Herald - 1914, 1915; Wakaw Recorder - 1914, 1915; Watson
Witness - 1914, 1915; (Whitewood) Herald - 1914, 1915; Wilkie Press -
1914, 1915; Wolseley News - 1914, 1915; Yorkton Enterprise - 1914, 1915.
Start at
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