Friday, October 17, 2014

Genealogy by Barry

Genealogy by Barry Newsletter
6 October 2014
...78 articles to choose from
During the last 90 days on the blog Genealogy by Barry, I have begun a 12 month study entitled "Topics Genealogists Value Most and Why."  The project will carefully look at the topics that genealogists consult in learning and completing various projects associated with genealogy and family history.  In the coming months, I will regularly share the insights learned and how you can use the information to advance your research skills and success.
The article will include 25 links to a sampling of the topics/articles genealogists review and learn about most often.
*Bookmark, share and link to the articles that are of most interest to you, friends, and readers.
Have you ever wondered which libraries, archives and historical/genealogical society could help in your genealogical research? 
This article includes links to 54 resource rich state focused articles that highlight the libraries, archives, and societies where you will be able to find genealogical resources in the United States.
*Bookmark, share and link to the articles that are of most interest to you, friends, and readers.
Kindest regards,
Barry J. Ewell
P.S.  Genealogy by Barry includes over genealogy/family history articles, slideshows, videos, webinars, and more.
Also rediscover the smells and tastes of your ancestors’ kitchen. Barry’s Forgotten Recipes is about sharing cookbooks and recipes of our ancestors.
Genealogy by Barry Newsletter provides insights to help you gather, organize, and preserve information about your ancestors and share what you find with others.
Available Resources
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iPad and Kindle eBook ($7.99)
Print ($14.95)
PDF eBook ($7.99)
This is the 42nd edition of the email newsletter. If you have received this newsletter, it is because you attended one of Barry's presentations and requested free materials, requested free offers from Barry, registered for MyGenShare and/or requested the newsletter. If you would like to no longer receive the newsletter, please unsubscribe at the bottom of the page.

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